#7 Giving kids superpowers with Kano – a computer kit teaching kids to code without them knowing it! Yonatan Raz-Fridman

"The language in which we interact with machines is only going to become more relevant – robotics, AI, machine learning… the next generation needs to be prepared." I’m joined by Yonatan Raz [...]

#6 Making a Beeline for cleaner, greener living by inventing an urban cyclist navigation product with Mark Jenner

"One of the ways we approached this… we always said it is worth it even if it’s a complete flop as we’re making a product that we think is a good one! It doesn’t matter if it fails!" In this [...]

#4 How to mashup the first international marathon, a festival and meaningful travel in Uganda with Henry Blanchard

"There is a huge grassroots entrepreneurial spirit in Uganda but the bureaucracy is miles behind." I was joined by Henry Blanchard earlier this week who launched the first international [...]